Lifetime members of the Clean Plate Club.

Cincinnati Bites
Painting from inside Jalapenos Mex-Mex

Food Links

The list of Cincinnati foodie websites is large but here are a few we especially enjoy, in no particular order.

Restaurant Health Inspection Reports

Cincinnati Food Safety Inspection Records

Find out just how sanitary that trendy new restaurant is. This search engine applies only to restaurants inside Cincinnati's city limits.

Hamilton County Food Service Inspection Reports

Get restaurant health inspection reports for Hamilton County establishments, not including the City of Cincinnati, Norwood or Springdale.

Butler County Food Safety Inspection Reports

Restaurant health inspections in Butler County, Ohio.

Northern Kentucky Health Department Food Scores

Search a database of inspection scores issued for Northen Kentucky restaurants and grocers.

Restaurant Dress Codes in Cincinnati

Cincy Chic

Cincy Chic offer's an interesting guideline for cincinnati restaurant dress codes. 99% of the restaurants reviewed on Cincinnati Bites fall under the "casual" category.

Cincinnati Food Blogs and Foodie Resources

Happy Cow

A great vegan and vegetarian restaurant resource for cities around the world.

The Sensitive Epicure

Erin Swing quit her job as a P&G chemist to pursue a culinary career. Like my brother, she was diagnosed with Celiac disease and a milk allergy. Her chemistry underpinnings serve her well in her baking and consulting business, which focuses on creating delicious gluten-free food. Check out her blog for amazingly wholesome, gluten-free recipes.

The Food Etymologist

Local author Dann Woellert's blog dives into the history and the mystery behind our area's food terms and how various cultures --and corporations-- have meshed to influence our understanding and interpretation of culinary dishes and their preparations.

The Food Hussy

She's thirtysomething and on a mission to find the best places to eat in Cincinnati!

Cincinnati Coney Quest

"Quest" visits area chili parlors for a much needed, in-depth analysis of Cincinnati-style chili and coneys.

Entertaining Views from Cincinnati

Join Eric, Neil and their cat, Dexter for a trip around town. They cover Cincinnati's landscape of things to do, places to go and, most importantly, food to eat!

Food For Thought

Mouth-watering, seasonal recipes from a busy, young professional.


There's something endearing about her style of writing; the turn-of-phrase on her blog posts paints enough of a picture that actual food photography is unnecessary. Her true identity is unknown to me, but I'd wager she'll write a great novel one day. Perhaps she already has.

Wine Me, Dine Me

Julie Niesen is one of the top area restaurant bloggers, offering daily mini reviews and vibrant photos of great (and not so great) Cincinnati eateries.

Cincinnati Nomerati

Food reviews, recipes, glossy SLR-enchanced food photos...and stick figure drawings.

General Recipe Sites

The Hungry Wife

Armed with an arsenal of culinary books and magazines, Brooke hand-picks only the best recipes.

General Food Sites


Similar to Trainspotting, except more food porn, less heroin and no trains.

A great foodie resource for finding the country's best diners, drive-ins, dives and hole-in-the-walls.


A restaurant ratings site with restaurants broken down by major city.

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