Reviews on restaurants you never knew existed.

Cincinnati Bites
Mushroom and Swiss Burger from Main Street Cafe from

About Cincinnati Bites

Most people get it. Despite the site name's double entendre, I'm not about dissing Cincinnati.

I'm a transplant, a Cincinnati import, born and raised somewhere well north of here. One of the first things friends said to me when I told them I was moving to Cincinnati was, "Why? It's so conservative, so backwards —there's nothing to do there. Cincinnati bites."

They are mostly wrong. Mostly.

There are plenty of things to do; there are plenty of sights to see; there are mounds of food to eat. Cincinnati's culinary options are especially diverse: most major immigrant groups are represented in one form or another. Heck, even the chili is heavily steeped in Greek tradition.

Cincinnati does not suck. And we're out to prove it, one bite at a time.


Cincinnati Bites is not affiliated with any restaurant or food-related business. We purchase 99.99% of our meals out of pocket. If we are ever comped a meal, we will make a note of it in our review. We do not guarantee a positive review for restaurants offering comps. If you are interested in offering a comped meal, fill out the form below.

Posted reviews are subject to edits at our discretion. Visitor comments may be edited, deleted or rejected for any reason, particularly if someone posts only to be a flaming asshole.

Restaurant experiences are unique. We are not responsible for any shitty meal you had at a restaurant for which we gave a positive review. There is no way to predict your meal's outcome.

We may take photos of our food. We use unobtrusive, point-and-shoot cameras and rarely use flash. Images may be slightly touched up in Photoshop for brightness and sharpness.

Contact Cincinnati Bites

If you'd like to reach us, feel free to fill out the form below.

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